Source protection
Our commitment to source preservation runs deep. We never want to take more than nature can provide and replenish each year.

We’re very protective of our water and the environment that provides it.
To help us preserve our source and promote sustainable agricultural practices in the Évian-les-Bains area, we co-founded the Association for the Protection of the evian Mineral Water Impluvium (aka APIEME) with 13 other municipalities over 25 years ago. Since then, we’ve been working hand-in-hand with the local community to not only foster local development but make sure our source has a healthy sustainable future.

We’re continually investing in the community and people around our water ecosystem.
One of the many ways we work with APIEME is the establishment of the innovative Terragr’Eau methanizer, which converts organic farm waste into natural biogas for the community. It’s a fair and equal trade: whatever gas consumption our bottling site uses, we give an equal amount back to the community in biogas.
Beyond the environment, we’re continually investing in our water ecosystem and advancing scientific understanding of the management and protection of water resources. At the evian bottling site, we employ a dedicated team of hydrogeologists to help ensure we treat our source and water cycle with respect. This team collects samples to ensure that the aquifer (our underground water source) is regularly replenished. We value them so much that we created the Water Institute by evian to train future hydrogeologists.

We’re proud of these efforts, big and small.
Like in 2008 when we became the first natural mineral water to have its watershed area recognised as a wetland of international importance by the Ramsar Convention, partner of UNESCO.
Co-creation of the APIEME (Association for the Protection of the evian mineral Water Impluvium).
First natural mineral water with its catchment area being recognised as a Wetland of International Importance by the Ramsar Convention (UNESCO Partner).
Water Institute by evian opens to train future responsible hydrogeologists.
The Terragr’Eau methanizer opened at the plant which continues to convert farm waste into fuel today.